How can I improve the security of my passwords?


Last Update 9 months ago

Try to include at least one number, symbol, and capital letter in your password. This doesn't mean it must be complicated. For example, instead of using your spouse's name (Elizabeth) or your son's name (Michael) combine the two and add numbers, symbols, and a capital letter (EliMike1020) or (Eliz@bethM1ke1020). These passwords are very secure and easy to remember.

The key, however, is to have a different password for every site, since sites getting hacked are the biggest threat to your security. Once a site gets compromised, hackers will try your email and password in an automated fashion on thousands of other sites. If your information matches, your other accounts will be compromised, too.

Instead, try an easy way of changing your password for each site. For example, if your password is EliM1ke1020, add the first two letters of the site name to your password. This would make your password EliM1ke1020FB for Facebook and EliM1ke1020IG for Instagram. That is easy to remember, but will stop a hacker from accessing your other accounts with the same password.

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